12 Week Scan

Hey Guys, So we had our 12 week scan on Monday.  She took the day off and I just went in to work after the scan.  We were scheduled for 10:00 so we headed in to town around 9:00.  We parked and walked the few blocks to the hospital.  The waiting room is packed.  Many…

Cupcakes, Hormones and Crying

Hey Fellas, Just a quick update; my wife went for a doctor’s appointment last week and ended up having another scan (10 weeks).  She thought it was just a general check-up which is why I didn’t attend.  Anyway, the scan was fine.  She was given more ultrasound pictures (can you sense how excited I am?)…

Eight Week Scan

Hey guys, So we went for an eight week scan yesterday.  Eight weeks is a bit early but because of the trouble we had last time we get to go for an early scan this time.  The appointment was at 2pm so we headed in to town around 1pm.  For some reason my wife decided…

Round Two

Hey Guys, So I’m laying in bed one morning last week, contemplating whether or not to hit snooze one more time, when my wife comes in and lays down next to me. Her: “Hey.” Me: “Ungh.” Her: “I took a pregnancy test and I’m pregnant.” Me: “… OK cool.” Not sure this was the response…

Bad News

Hey Fellas, So we went for our 12 week ultrasound about a week ago.  Unfortunately there was no heartbeat.  The whole thing took like 30 seconds.  My wife cried a little while laying on the table.  The ultrasound tech then took us up to a little room that looks like it’s used to deliver bad…

General State of Mind & Random Thoughts

Hey Fellas, OK so not a whole lot has happened in the past few weeks.  She says she’s nauseous and tired all the time but still seems fairly normal “hormone-wise”.  I’ve been waiting for some kind of crazy outburst or random bouts of crying but so far, nothing.  As for me, I’m looking forward to…

Hey Guys

Hey fellas, Two weeks ago my wife told me she was pregnant.  I didn’t jump up and down, I didn’t start crying, I didn’t shit my pants, none of that crap you see on TV or in movies.  I just kinda smiled and said “Right on, sweet” and gave her a hug.  No, I’m not a…